Monday, November 8, 2010

Baby Hardy Update

Today we had our big ultrasound to check and make sure that everything is on track with the baby. Within minutes of starting the ultrasound, the technician was able to see that IT'S A BOY. We both had a gut instinct it was a boy since the heartbeat had been the exact same as Collin's at every appointment, but were so excited to hear the news that Parker Von Hardy will be joining us soon.

According to the ultrasound, everything appears to be developing normally and looks healthy. Baby Parker is definitely a mover and a kicker, as he was all over the place during the ultrasound. He also likes to ball his hands into fists and rub his eyes a lot, as he was doing this constantly during the ultrasound. He also had a full tummy, which is good since Mommy is getting bigger and bigger from all the eating I am doing.

The only issue the doctor noticed with the ultrasound is that Baby Parker is already very low. He said it was just the way that the egg implanted and the worst case scenario is that Parker does not move up on his own, meaning I may have to be put on bed rest as the pregnancy progresses and have a C-section. In 99% of cases the baby moves up on his own, but he gave us the worse case scenario just in case. We are praying Parker moves up soon but will have another ultrasound in eight weeks to recheck his position.

Below are some pictures from our appointment, as well as from the 3-D ultrasound we had done last week to get a closer look at Baby Parker.

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