Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tummy Time Fun

Although Parker is not a fan of tummy time, we make sure to incorporate it into our day as often as possible. His neck is getting so strong and he is now able to turn his head from side to side without any assistance. When he gets really angry about being on his stomach, he will forcefully roll himself back over. Although we are so happy about his accomplishments, he is growing up way to fast!

I Love That Smile

Over the past couple of weeks, Parker has become quite the social smiler. If we are sitting in front of him playing, he will give us a big, gummy grin. It is absolutely precious and melts my heart. He will also smile when Collin gets down on the floor to play with him. He already adores his big brother! Parker is such a happy and sweet baby and has brought so much joy to our family.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

This weekend the Hardy family was all about celebrating Easter. On Saturday morning, Collin and I made some Easter cookies together. Collin absolutely loved them! As soon as they came out of the oven he thought he needed to sample one of each design. I think he had about four before it was all over with! That night, Mommy and Daddy got really brave and decided to let Collin dye Easter eggs. We put out six cups of dye and let him decide how he wanted to design each egg. He took each one and literally threw it in all six cups of dye until they were all a shade of green or purplish-brown. I am shocked the eggs remained in one piece since he was throwing them like they were baseballs. His fingers will probably be green for days to come but he really loved it!

On Sunday morning the boys awoke to find lots of goodies for them from the Easter Bunny. As soon as Collin walked in the playroom he looked at the baskets and proclaimed, "the Easter Bunny came!" He looked through his basket to find two Thomas Aquarium trains, a Color Wonder "Toy Story" coloring kit, a Noah's Ark toy with tons of animals, and some candy. Parker also got some goodies including two new Blabla rattles, Inchbug bottle bands with his name on them, and some formula since Collin tells everyone all Parker likes is bottles. After we played for a while, we ventured out to the yard for an egg hunt. Collin ran around the yard grabbing eggs while Parker hung out with Mommy in the Baby Bjorn. All in all it was a great Easter weekend spent with the boys celebrating the holiday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Today Collin's preschool class had an Easter egg hunt for all of the children and he had a blast! As soon as Miss Tina and Miss Laura led the class outside to the playground, Collin took off running for the eggs. Forget the fact that Miss Tina had not passed out the baskets yet, nor told the kids to go, Collin was simply too excited! After I ran and redirected him back to the group, he grabbed the bucket the teachers made for him and was off. He ran all around the playground grabbing eggs and counting them as he went. Once he had twelve, he decided he was ready to play. He took his bucket full of eggs and went up and down the slide a dozen times. He had a wonderful time and especially loved all the yummy treats he found inside his eggs once he got home.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Bunny 2011

Today we took Collin and Parker to see the Easter Bunny at the Avenue Forsyth. Collin was not too sure he wanted to sit with the Easter Bunny, so Mommy had to get in the picture too. Parker, on the other hand, slept the entire time.

Spring Carnival

Today Collin's preschool had their annual Spring Carnival. Despite the windy weather, he had a wonderful time. We bought him a wristband this year so he could participate in all of the activities without having to worry about running out of tickets. Boy did we get our moneys worth! He played a few games, rode the train twice, and played on all of the inflatables. He created quite the scene when he decided he wanted to get on the inflatable meant for the bigger kids where they dressed in a Velcro suit and then jumped and stuck to a wall. Since the suit was too long, he was not able to run and jump, but Daddy picked him up and stuck him to the wall and he loved it. The whole crowd busted out in laughter and Collin ate it up! Afterwards he got to sit inside a firetruck and ambulance which he thoroughly enjoyed. Once Mommy and Parker left, he got to go and see a reptile show with Daddy and touch a turtle, lizard, and snake. Daddy said he was Mr. Fearless and wanted to feel everything the presenter took out. He even let him put a huge snake around him which freaked Mommy out! Let's hope he does not ever see a snake in the yard and decide to pick it up too. All in all I would say he had a wonderful day!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Barney Live

Last night Mommy and Daddy planned a very special date for Collin. Since he LOVES Barney we decided to take him to see the "Barney Live" concert at Phillips Arena. He was so excited about seeing the show and getting to spend some alone time with Mommy and Daddy since Parker was staying at home with MoMo. The whole way down to the show he was naming all the cars and trucks we passed. As soon as we got into the city, he was in awe of all the big buildings he saw. Once we got to the Arena, he chose Chick-Fil-A for dinner and then off we went to see the big purple dinosaur. We told Collin he could get one souviner to bring home and he chose a Barney ball since it was the only thing they had with his favorite character Riff on it. When the show started, Collin got so excited. He quickly jumped into my lap and watched with the biggest smile on his face. That smile alone was worth all the money in the world! He sat and watched them sing and even danced along with them to some of the songs. It was definitely a night he will remember and I am so happy we could share this special memory with him. We love you, Collin!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Collin Is Three Years Old

Today Collin had his three year old doctor's appointment. He was very excited about his doctor's visit. The last time were were at the office Collin noticed a bronze statue of a little boy on Dr. Harbaugh's desk. Since then he has talked about the "little boy statue" nonstop every time we ride by the office and asks to go and see it. As soon as the nurse called him back he made a beeline for his office to see the "little boy". It was so embarrassing but at least it kept his mind off why he was there. We found out Collin now weighs 32 pounds (50%) and is 36 and 3/4 inches tall (50%). The doctor said he was healthy and right on track developmentally.

Parker Is One Month Old

Parker is officially one month old! He had his second doctor's visit and got a clean bill of health. He now weighs 9 pounds, 3 ounces (25-50%) and is 21 and 1/2 inches long (50%). His head circumference is 14 and 3/4 inches (25%). The doctor told us he is a long and lean little baby. He was also very impressed with his weight gain.

It is amazing to see how much Parker has grown and changed throughout the month. He is already becoming so big and changing so fast. Parker has spent this month at home with Mommy, Daddy, and his big brother Collin doing lots of fun things. He spends his days sleeping, eating, and playing. He loves to play on his musical mat and try to touch the elephant and monkey on it. He also loves bouncing in his bouncer while watching the monkey and frog go up and down, and sitting in his boppy watching mom and dad hold up his toys. He has tummy time everyday and can now turn his head from side to side and lift it for a few seconds to look ahead. He has also rolled over from his stomach to his back several times in an attempt to end tummy time. Mommy and Daddy were shocked! Parker's neck is becoming very strong. He shows us during burping when he tries to force his head back for more milk.

In terms of sleeping, Parker is doing great! He normally sleeps from 10:30pm to 3:00am and then again until 7:00am when we wake him up for the day. This means only one middle of the night feeding for Mommy and Daddy which is wonderful! Parker does not like sleeping flat on his back and is now using the Nap Nanny which allows him to sleep on an incline and makes him feel like he is being cuddled. It also seems to help with his reflux.

Words cannot express how much joy Parker brings into our lives. We love him so much and and cannot imagine our lives without him. We thank God everyday for allowing us to have such an adorable, sweet and healthy boy! We cannot wait to see what this upcoming month has in store for us.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parker's 1st Real Bath

Tonight Parker had his first "real" tub bath. As soon as we put him in the warm tub of water, he decided to urinate all in it. Such a typical baby boy! He seemed to really enjoy the warm water and liked it a lot more than he did the sponge baths he was taking. He especially liked when we washed his hair using the sink faucet rather than a wet washcloth. As soon as the water hit his head, he closed his eyes and relaxed. It must have felt like a baby massage to him. It appears he is going to love bath time just like his big brother does!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Parker's Playtime

Although Parker is not quite a month old, he has been getting a lot of use out of his infant toys. We are trying our best to follow the book BabyWise and have him stay up and have playtime after each feeding during the day. His favorite toy at the moment appears to be his musical mat that has several colorful animals hanging from it. As soon as we put him on the mat, he starts looking around at all the animals. He is even grabbing many of them, especially the monkey and elephant. He also likes to sit in his rainforest bouncer and stare at the blue bird hanging from it. His swing usually puts him to sleep so we save it for times when we really need it like dinnertime or when Collin needs Mommy to help him do something. He also loves to lay next to his big brother Collin and look at him while he talks or sings to him. It is absolutely precious to see!