Friday, January 1, 2010

We Just Had To Brag

In November Patrick and I had Collin's speech evaluated at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. As a former teacher, I had a gut feeling that he should be saying more words than he was and knew that early intervention was the key. The evaluation stated that he was significantly delayed due to his lack of being able to hear out of one ear before his tubes were put in. After about a month of waiting to hear from the insurance company, we decided to go ahead and enroll him in therpy. He has had two visits with one of the best speech therapists ever, Ms. Lorissa, and has shown so much progress. Below are a list of words Collin is now consistantly saying.

more-along with the sign
bow wow (Daddy taught this one)

He is also attempting to say please but does have the sign down for it. We cannot be more thrilled and thank the Lord that our prayers have been answered and he is now communicating! In two thirty minute sessions he has made this much progress. We just had to brag!


Airhart's said...

That is amazing! We are so thrilled. Yay! for Collin.

The Shaw Family said...

Go, Collin! Go! That is amazing progress. Tell Collin to teach Charlie some of his new words at playgroup next week. This mommy would love to hear a please once in a while :o)

Kim said...

That is awesome news! Collin deserves all the bragging you want to do! He is such a cutie. :)

Jessica said...

We are so glad to hear of his great news!!! Way to go Collin!!!