Friday, January 15, 2010

So Blessed

Patrick and I are in a small group at Northpoint Church on Tuesday nights and have been doing a very eye opening study. I have been reading the book For Women Only, which has been very enlightening. It has really made me stop and see how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband and father to my son. Patrick works hard each and every day so I can stay home and spent quality time with Collin. I know it is a huge responsibility to have to carry the financial security of a family on your back and I do not thank him enough. I am beyond blessed and am making a point to let him know how happy and thankful I am each day for all of the things he does. I love you Patrick and am lucky to call you mine!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Enjoyed catching up with your blog. I loved the snow pictures. And you are right, we do need to take time to reflect on how blessed we are. The book you are reading sounds good. I think Lance and I are ready to join a small group now that we have Davis in more of a routine. We are thinking about going to Group Link? Did you all ever do that or have good luck with that? Didn't you put Collin in a Mother's Morning out program? I thought I had read a post about it a while back. I am trying to think ahead to this summer and next year. Right now, I am just working part time, I am not sure what I will be doing next year, but regardless I would like to enroll Davis in a program so he can be around other kids. Right now he goes to our neighbors each day and I am thankful that he is the only child she keeps, but I think next year I would like him to have more interaction with other kids even just a couple days a week would be nice. Just trying to brainstorm. Let me know if you have heard of any good programs out there. Sorry for the long comment! :)