Monday, September 21, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain, rain go away! It has literally been raining for ten days here in Atlanta. And when I say raining, I mean pouring. Since Collin loves to be outside, this has been absolute torture for him (and Mommy and Daddy). So what do we do when we cannot go outside? These pictures tell it all!

As I was putting some of Collin's clothes away, he found these duck slippers in his drawer. I put them on him and he was absolutely fascinated by the fact that his feet looked like ducks. This keep him entertained for about thirty minutes. He even scared the cat with them.

Here is a picture of what Collin did to the playroom. He absolutely destroyed it playing with everything. Unfortunately he got bored with this after a couple of hours and wanted nothing more to do with the playroom.

The forecast is calling for sun soon. Let's hope so!

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