"The guardian angels of life fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us."
Today marks the one year anniversary of my Mom's passing. I have a ton of mixed emotions. I am happy for the time I got to spend with her but angry that God took her away so soon. Angry that she will never be able to meet Collin and watch him grow up. Angry that I cannot call her and talk to her about things going on in my life. Angry she is not here to see his milestones. Sad at the family dynamics that have changed since her passing and stressed at times that I often feel like the glue that holds the family together. Sad she is not here to help Brittany with her wedding and see her special day. Throughout all of these emotions I know that God is good and she is with him looking down upon us. She is in a much better place where there is no pain, no worries, and no sickness. She is the one in the better place with our Father and one day all of us will be reunited. On this anniversary I hope to celebrate her memory and make her proud. For all those reading this with Moms still here, give them a hug and tell them how much you love them. You never know when they may be taken away and you will realize how much they truly mean to you.