Saturday, November 1, 2008

Collin's 1st Halloween!

Collin had a blast on his first Halloween. On Friday morning he went to a party with all his playgroup pals at his friend Charlie's house. He dressed up like a little monkey and surprizingly he liked wearing his costume. All of the mommies lined the kiddos up to take pictures. None of them enjoyed this but we did get a few good shots. Collin was sitting beside a little girl wearing a pink monster costume and all he wanted to do was eat her. I am not sure what his fascination was but he was in love with her pink monster costume. After the party Collin came home and got ready to go trick or treating. Since he goes to bed at 7:00 pm on the dot, we did some early trick or treating. He got in Mommy's lap and Daddy pushed us around in the wheelchair. He went to about 5 houses in the neighborhood then decided he had enough. All in all he had a great day!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love the picture of Collin eating the pink monster. That is a priceless picture that he will LOVE one day. I am sorry to hear about your ankle. That is NO fun!! -Kim Cone