Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th Of July 2012

We had a fun, low key Fourth of July this year.  It began with a family trip to the pool.  Collin loves swimming and was beyond excited to show us his skills. He showed us how he could swim all over the pool and his "cannonball" better known as a belly flop when he does it:-)  Parker, on the other hand, was a bit hesitant but loved it once we took him out of the float and let him float around in our arms.  He also loved standing on the steps and splashing. That evening Patrick grilled us some hamburgers, and then he and Collin headed down to our neighborhood pool for a fireworks display while Parker slept.  Daddy forgot to bring a chair for Collin, so they made do by taking Parker's carseat out and letting Collin sit in it.  I am sure that was quite a sight to see.  Maybe next year Parker can stay up to see them too!

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