Monday, April 16, 2012

Parker's 1st Surgery

Today was the day Mommy and Daddy had been dreading.....Parker's first surgery to put tubes in his ears. Parker has had constant ear infections since he was about 5 months old and cannot seem to get the fluid to stay out of his ears and keep from causing an infection. Patrick and I became very concerned about it when Parker had yet to say a word at one year of age and failed a hearing test at the ENT. After talking with his pediatrician we decided tubes were a must. So within two weeks we were scheduled to have them in. Poor Parker even got an infection the week before his surgery. Bless his heart! So this morning we woke sweet Parker up at 5:45 a.m. and headed to the Pediatric Surgery Center in Atlanta for the procedure. When we got there he was happy as could be and had no clue where he was at. However, as soon as we got back to his room and he saw all the nurses and doctors, he knew exactly where he was at and he was not happy about it. Luckily we brought a DVD player to keep him entertained until it was his turn. Patrick went back to comfort him while he was getting put to sleep. The entire procedure was less than fifteen minutes and we were able to cuddle him in the delivery room. He was still really sleepy when we saw him and he was able to fully wake up in our arms. The doctor said everything went well and all the fluid was drained from his ears. He goes back in two weeks to make sure everything looks good and retest his hearing. Our fingers are crossed that he can now hear and we will hear that sweet voice say "Mama" or "Dada" soon!

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