Sunday, March 28, 2010

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday our neighborhood had an egg hunt for all the children. When Collin woke up Saturday morning we had him practice finding the eggs we hid and putting them in his basket. Everytime he picked up an egg he would shake it and try to open it until we told him to "put in" like Mrs. Lorissa does at speech and he would drop it in the basket. When we got to the park Collin was so excited. He saw all of the colorful eggs on the playground and in the bark and was ready to go and get them. As the coordinator was giving directions, Collin took off to the get the eggs. Who needs directions?

Everytime he picked up and egg we told him to "put in" and he did. The limit was 13 eggs per child which Collin quickly got. He still wanted to pick up more so we let him help out two little girls who could barely walk. He was so proud of himself. He was even more excited when he opened the eggs and found they had jellybeans in them. He loves jelly beans and ate them all as fast as he could. After the hunt, the Easter Bunny made and appearance and true to form Collin cried the minute we got close to him. Oh well, maybe next year we will get a good picture of them together. We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful neighborhood with tons of fun kids activities. Collin definitely had a blast!

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