Monday, May 5, 2008

Collin's Two Month Appointment

Today Collin went in for his two month check-up. Collin had really grown over the past month. He is now 11 pounds and 10 ounces and 24 inches long. Pretty soon his 3 month clothes are not going to fit! Collin also had to get five shots today. He was not very happy about this. As soon as the first needle went in, he turned bright red and let out a huge cry. Mommy and Daddy almost cried too! The doctor said Collin looked very healthy. He did mention that Collin seems to favor his right side when he sleeps. To prevent his head from becoming flat on one side, Collin now has a sleep positioner that he sleeps in to force him to lay on his left side. He seems to like his positioner so far. Let's hope it stays this way!

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