Our sweet Parker is eight months old! It is hard to believe that in four more months he will be a year old. Parker has done so many new things since his seven month birthday. He weighs around --- pounds on our home scale and has busted out of his 9 month clothes. He is able to sit up independently and prefers to sit up and play with his toys rather than roll around the floor. He has also developed an opinion as to what he wants to play with. If you sit a box of toys in front of him he will reach and grab for the one particular toy he wants and will not settle for anything else. Parker has also started rolling all over the floor and attempting to crawl. He is able to get up on his knees with his bottom in the air but moves himself backwards instead of forwards. According to our pediatrician, this means he is close to crawling. Parker continues to be obsessed with Collin and wants to see him and be near him all the time. Whenever Collin comes over to play with him, his face lights up and he rolls himself right next to Collin so he can touch him. He adores his brother!
In terms of eating, Parker is still loving his solid foods! He eats three meals of solid food a day and averages between four and five jars of food a day. He has become a little piggy! He still has a six ounce bottle five times a day and drinks water from a sippy cup with his meals. In terms of sleeping, he still takes two naps a day varying in length from an hour to two and a half hours depending on the day. His night sleeping, however, has not been so great. Parker has been waking up two to three times a night all month. We have taken him to the doctor for an ear infection which caused his disruptions in sleep early in the month and now has a bad case of teething as his two front teeth are coming in. The doctor told us not to let him cry it out until he is 100% well. Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy are tired!
We are so blessed to have Parker in our lives. He always has a smile on his face and is such a little snuggle bug. We love you so much, Parky Sparky!