We are so excited to announce the arrival of our second son, Parker Von Hardy. He arrived on Thursday, March 3rd at 1:30 pm. He was 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 inches long. He is perfectly healthy and absolutely adorable!
Parker decided he wanted to meet his Mommy, Daddy, and big brother Collin a little early. His actual due date was March 20th, but he decided he was ready to join the world and share a birthday with his big brother. Around 5:00pm on Wednesday, my stomach started to feel a little strange. It did not hurt but something definitely did not feel right. After talking to several friends and much debating, I decided to call the doctor who told me to head on down to the hospital so I could get checked out. I honestly thought it was false labor and was fully expecting to be sent back home. However, when we arrived we were told my contractions were four minutes apart despite me not being able to feel them. They decided to monitor me overnight just in case but were leaning on the assumption they were Braxton Hicks and I could go home in the morning. Around 7:00am, my doctor came to examine me only to find I was five centimeters dilated and having contractions every two minutes. He then decided to break my water and start the pitocin. The first hour of the medicine I still could not feel any of the contractions the monitor was showing. However, around 11:00am things got very painful. All I remember is screaming for an epidural! Once the epidural was in my nurse checked me again to find I was nine centimeters and ready to go. How I made it nine centimeters with no drugs is beyond me! After three pushes, Parker Von Hardy made his arrival.
Our biggest fear was that Parker would come out not making any sounds, like his big brother. Luckily our prayers were answered as Parker came out screaming. He passed his Apgar test without any problems and even gave the nurse an extra surprise when he urinated all over her. He then got to come over and meet his Mommy and it was love at first sight! I am beyond blessed with two healthy, precious, adorable little boys. God was definitely with us that day and all the glory goes to Him for allowing our son to be as perfect as can be!