Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Collin's Best Friend
Collin has finally noticed our cat, Sweetie, and is obsessed with her. Anytime she walks near him he stops what he is doing to look at her. Whenever Patrick and I can find Sweetie, we will sit Collin up in front of her. He loves to try to pet and talk to her. Sweetie, however , does not like this so much. Just wait until he starts crawling!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Collin's Haircut
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sitting Up
Collin has gotten so good at sitting up. We have really been working hard on this skill and he finally seems to like it and has caught on. His motivation is our cat Sweetie. If you sit him in front of Sweetie he will sit up all by himself and smile at her. She tolerates it for about a minute and then runs away when he tries to talk to her. He has also started playing with his toys sitting up. What a big boy!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Collin's Weekend
Collin had a great weekend! On Saturday he got to watch the Georgia Bulldogs with Daddy and Papa while I went shopping with Brittany. On Sunday he got to go to church where he actually took a nap. Yes, you heard me right, Collin took a nap. That night we went out to Little Azio for dinner. We were a little worried how dinner would go since Collin had to upgrade to a new car seat that cannot come out of the car. However, we sat him in the highchair at the restaurant and he did great! I cannot believe my little baby is sitting in a highchair now!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Collin Is Six Months Old
Today Collin turned six months old. Where has the time gone? Collin went to visit Dr. Harbaugh for his six month check-up and boy has he grown. He now weighs 17 pounds and 13 ounces (50 percentile) and was 26 3/4 inches long (75 percentile). The doctor said Collin is developing right on track. He also said Collin appears to be an active little boy. While we were in the exam room, Collin decided he would rip the paper covering the table to pieces and babble to everyone like crazy. His doctor said either Patrick or I must have been active and Collin is our payback (thanks Daddy) On the plus side, he did note that active little boys are usually cuddlers which Collin definitely is. We were also told that Collin is now ready to move up to three meals a day of solid foods and he could now start eating canned baby meat. I am not sure how much he will like it but we are going to give it a try. He also said Collin is ready for a sippy cup of juice each day. It is hard to believe our little baby is ready for all these changes. It seems like just yesterday he was eating little 2 ounce bottles and now he is ready for three meals a day. It is amazing how fast the time has gone bye!
Collin has learned and progressed so much over the past month. Perhaps the major accomplishment is that Collin can now sit up on his own for several seconds and can sit supported for long stretches at a time. He is also rolling like crazy. Patrick and I call him our "Little Roly Poly" since he rolls all over the floor. We can sit him down in one spot, go to another room for a minute, and come back to find him in a totally new location. Looks like we might be baby proofing soon! Collin has also been eating solid food like crazy this month. So far he has had sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, pears, oatmeal and green beans and appears to like them all. We have also noticed that Collin wants to touch everything he sees. Whenever we walk him around the house and something catches his eye, he will lunge and reach for it. This is especially true of flower arrangements. Lastly, Collin has started sticking his tongue out and making a loud screeching squeal and laughing about it. We are trying to ignore both of these in hopes that they will soon stop:)
Patrick and I are so blessed to have a happy, healthy little boy. We never knew how much joy he could bring to our lives and cherish every single minute we spend with him.

Collin has learned and progressed so much over the past month. Perhaps the major accomplishment is that Collin can now sit up on his own for several seconds and can sit supported for long stretches at a time. He is also rolling like crazy. Patrick and I call him our "Little Roly Poly" since he rolls all over the floor. We can sit him down in one spot, go to another room for a minute, and come back to find him in a totally new location. Looks like we might be baby proofing soon! Collin has also been eating solid food like crazy this month. So far he has had sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, pears, oatmeal and green beans and appears to like them all. We have also noticed that Collin wants to touch everything he sees. Whenever we walk him around the house and something catches his eye, he will lunge and reach for it. This is especially true of flower arrangements. Lastly, Collin has started sticking his tongue out and making a loud screeching squeal and laughing about it. We are trying to ignore both of these in hopes that they will soon stop:)
Patrick and I are so blessed to have a happy, healthy little boy. We never knew how much joy he could bring to our lives and cherish every single minute we spend with him.

Monday, September 1, 2008
Look At What Collin Learned
Labor Day Weekend
Patrick, Collin and I went to Birmingham for Labor Day weekend. Every year his mother has all his family over to reunite and catch up with one another. Collin got to meet all of his cousins and his Great Aunt Pris who he had not met yet. I think Collin loved all the attention he got and watching the big kids run around. It is hard to believe that next year he will be running around with everyone too.

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