I am 14 weeks pregnant today!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 14 weeks
Size of the baby: Baby Hardy is about the size of an adult fist.
Total Weight Gain: None, although my belly is growing.
Maternity Clothes: None yet.
Gender: We cannot wait to find out! Patrick thinks that it is a girl and I am still not sure. Some days I feel like it is a girl and others I feel like it is a boy.
Movement: I have not felt any yet.
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty good. I stopped taking my Unisom this week but am still able to sleep.
Symptoms: I am still getting very nauseous every night from about 6:00 pm on. The Reglan I am taking is helping but unfortunately the sickness has not disappeared.
What I Miss: Simply feeling good and having energy.
What I Crave: Fanta and Publix chocolate parfaits. I am sure this is why my stomach is growing!
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