I am 13 weeks pregnant today!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 13 weeks
Size of the baby: Baby Hardy is the size of a peach.
Total Weight Gain: None! I initially lost ten pounds during the pregnancy but have finally gained it all back and am back to my original starting weight. Despite the lack of weight gain, I still have a bit of a belly already.
Maternity Clothes: None yet but I am very excited to wear my new Citizen maternity jeans in the near future.
Gender: We cannot wait to find out!
Movement: I have not felt any yet.
Sleep: I am sleeping good with the help of a nightly Unisom, as was prescribed by my doctor.
Symptoms: I am still getting very nauseous every night from about 6:00 pm on. The Reglan I am taking is helping but unfortunately the sickness has not disappeared.
What I Miss: Simply feeling good all day, every day.
What I Crave: Ever since my doctor's visit last week I have been craving Grape Fanta. I had never had one until my doctor's visit and loved it! A Dr. Pepper would be much better but at least the Fanta has no caffeine.
1 comment:
Congratulations! That is so exciting!! I am so sorry you have been so sick.....that is no fun! Hope you get feeling better soon! I love Collin's new big boy room it turned out super cute! I am so behind on my blogging, I need to get better! But working, chasing Davis around all day, and being pregnant I am WORE out!!:)
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