Here he is taking off up the street.

Wait, he's pointing. He sees it.

What could it be?

A MONSTER TRUCK! Yes, this is our neighbor's truck and Collin is OBSESSED with it. He stares at it out our bedroom window and has to go see it every time we go outside. The tires on it are as tall as Patrick and I are. Collin wants this to be our next car. Could you imagine me pulling up to carpool in something like this? Ha!
Everyday after we see the car we have to go all the way down the street to see Collin's friend Rocky. Rocky is a miniature beagle that Mommy loved since the day his owners got him. I guess this love has passed on to Collin because everyday we have to go and see Rocky. Collin will get down in his face and start babbling to him. It is so cute! I'm glad the neighborhood is so entertaining to Collin.

So very cute! Cooper loves Big Trucks, too! He looks for them everywhere we go!
I def. think I want to see you pulling that baby through the carpool.
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