When I dropped Collin off, he was crying. I left feeling so sad but kept telling myself it was for his own good. It was very quiet with him gone. I was able to get all my grocery shopping done, get an hour workout in, eat lunch and vacuum the whole house. However, I missed him so much. At 12:45 I went and picked him up. He was riding in a big red stroller with five other kids. He was the only one awake in the stroller and was making whining noises. As soon as he saw me he wanted out. The teachers said he was a little teary but had some spurts of energy. His teacher called me this afternoon after I e-mailed her and reassured me everything was okay. She said he, along with many others, cried on and off for the first hour. She said he loved outside time (imagine that) and the indoor playground. She said he also loved painting and was very interested in it. According to his teacher, he would only get upset when things calmed down and he realized his Mommy wasn't there and he wasn't happy about it or when other children started to cry. Collin did not eat any of his lunch but was more concerned with looking at what everyone else was doing. I was a little worried that he did not have a good day but his teacher reassured me this is an adjustment and will take some time for him to get used to. I am hoping he will become more comfortable at school each week and grow to love it.

Love the report card, too cute. I'm sure it will get easier. So is Mackenzie going too?
At least you know he cares/loves you...mackenzie just started playing and didn't look back, I think I warrant at least a few tears!
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