Today Patrick got to celebrate his second Father's Day. Collin and I surprised him with a new briefcase that can hold his laptop. We were very proud of our gift and how well we kept it a surprise. We are pretty sure he thought he was getting clothes. Inside the briefcase I hid post-it notes telling Patrick everything we love about him. Some of the things from Collin were: Thank you for being the best Daddy ever, Thank you for reading to me and playing with me, and Thank you for taking me fun places like Home Depot. Some of the things from me were: Thank you for working hard to provide for our family and Thank you for being a great father and husband. Patrick is such a great Daddy to Collin. Everyday when he comes home from work and Collin hears his voice, his face lights up with excitement. He is very hands on with Collin and wants to spend every minute he can with him. I am so blessed Collin has such a wonderful Daddy and I've got such a perfect husband. He is definitely the rock of our family and we love him so much!

We also went out to eat with my side of the family to celebrate Father's Day with Papa. Collin had a great time getting to see all of his aunts and uncle and running around the patio of the restaurant. Collin absolutely loves his Papa! He has a book at home with all of his family members in it and the only person he will ever find in the book is Papa. We think he loves his white hair and facial hair and the fact that he always gets on the floor and plays whatever Collin wants to. He spoils him just a little bit.

Happy Father's Day to Granddaddy, too! Collin cannot wait to see you in couple of weeks and go swimming with you.
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