Well today was the day Mommy and Daddy were dreading. After seven ear infections that required antibiotics and a round of antibiotic shots, Collin could not get rid of the fluid causing the infection in his left ear. After trying everything suggested by his doctors, we finally decided to meet with an ENT and move forward with tubes. This morning at 5:40, we woke Collin up, put him in the car, and headed down to the Pediatric Surgery Center of Atlanta for the procedure. When we got there at 6:15 Collin checked out the fish in the waiting room and walked around behind another little boy waiting. At 7:00 we were taken to another waiting room to meet with the doctor one more time, meet his nurse, and talk to the anesthesiologist. They allowed one parent to accompany Collin to the operating room to be put to sleep. I could not bare to do this so Patrick volunteered. He laid Collin on the little hospital bed and held his hand while they put a mask over him. Within 20 seconds Collin was out and the procedure began. It lasted all of five minutes and then Dr. White came out to tell us Collin did great and everything seemed to have been successful. We then were moved to another room to wait for Collin to wake up. It took him about 10 minutes and then we were able to see him. When we entered the recovery room he was being held by a nurse, had "lovey" in his hand, and was sucking his orange pacifier with tears streaming down his face. I grabbed him immediately and let him snuggle with me until he woke up a little more. We tried to have him drink some Pedialyte but milk was all he would accept. He LOVES his milk. The nurse then went over everything with us and we were on our way home by 8:30am.
They told us to expect Collin to fall asleep in the car. Negative. He was wide eyed and ate Puffs the whole way home. When we walked in the house, he motioned for us to let him down and off he went to play. Apparently the medicine and procedure did not affect him at all. He did take his normal 3 hour afternoon nap and that was it. We are so thankful the Lord was with Collin and his doctors today and everything turned out great. Let's hope we don't have to do another procedure anytime soon.

1 comment:
I am so glad Collin's surgery went well. I know that was scary for you and Patrick. It looks like it was easier for Collin than you both. I guess that is the way it always is. Glad to see he is doing well. He is so cute!
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