The trip down did not go so well. We decided we would leave Saturday night around 5:00 so that Collin would hopefully sleep the some of the time. Oh no, Collin was not having any of that. He did okay for the first hour, thanks to the new DVD player Patrick installed in the SUV, but after that it was nothing but screaming until we got to the condo at 10:00pm. Patrick and I have never been happier to arrive anywhere before.
Once we got to Hilton Head, Collin had a great time. Patrick and I were a little overprotective of Collin and tried to keep him out of the sun and heat for most of the trip. We took him down to the beach in the mornings and late afternoon. Collin did not really know what to think of the ocean breeze but eventually got used to it. He loved sticking his toes in the water but had more fun rolling over and trying to eat his beachtowel. He also enjoyed laying in the tent that our friends loaned us on the beach. Our BOB stroller got a lot of use on the trip as Collin went walking with us almost every morning and most evenings on the beach. Every night we went out to dinner and Collin was such an angel and fell asleep all but one so that everyone could enjoy a nice dinner together. He really loved the attention he got from all his family members. He had a great time bonding with the Dunaway side of the family and really loved playing with his Papa.
Luckily our trip home was great! We left Hilton Head around 6:15pm and Collin watched his Baby Einstein DVD's for the first hour, ate, and then fell asleep until we got to Macon. We then made a Starbuck's stop and changed Collin into his pajamas. We finally arrived home around 11:00pm last night.

I love the family pic! Everyone looks so happy! I hope all is well. Have you missed school any?
Hi Brooke,
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Ocean Breeze Hilton Head to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you!
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