Collin has done many new things over the past month. Mommy and Daddy are happy to report that he now sleeps 11 hours at night in his own crib! This is a huge accomplishment and means the whole Hardy family is much better rested. He loves to roll over to his side and sleep which is probably much more comfortable than his back. Collin is still a 30 minute napper and we are hoping this will improve soon. His new fasnition is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. Anything and everything he can get his hands on goes straight to the mouth. His favorite thing to put in his mouth are his hands and feet. He is definitely teething but as of now no teeth have broke the skin. Collin has also started to laugh a lot this month. He has a very deep laugh that cracks his Mommy and Daddy up. He is also starting to recognize people and voices. If he hears Patrick or I talking he will stop what he is doing and look around until he finds us. He smiles everytime we walk into the room and is also starting to recognize and remember family members like Papa, Grandmommy and his Aunt B. Another big accomplishment this month was solid food! Our little Collin has sampled rice cereal and sweet potatoes and loves them both!
We cannot put into words how much Collin means to us. We never knew we could love someone so much. Collin's smile melts our hearts day after day and all we want to do is spoil him with hugs, kisses and attention. We are tremendously blessed with such a loving little boy who has his Mommy and Daddy wrapped around his little finger!

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