Today is Parker's seven month birthday. Everyday Patrick and I wonder where our little baby went. It seems like he has become such a big boy in the past month. He can do so many new things and even looks like a big boy now. It is crazy to think that in just a few months we will be planning his first birthday party.
Parker has learned and accomplished so much over the past month. Perhaps the biggest accomplishment is that he now wants to sit up on his own all the time. Although we have to stay close in case he topples over, for the most part he can sit and play independently. He loves to sit up and play with his activity triangle, shape cookie jar, and Fisher Price Little Superstar mirror. He is also super flexible and can bend over in all directions to reach a toy he wants.
Although he is not crawling yet, he can get on his knees and try to scoot around. He has moved backwards a few times and has even swim crawled a few times to get a toy that interest him. According to our doctor, crawling is not that far in our future.
Parker also had a major first this month.....two teeth. The two front teeth on the bottom broke through and it looks like more are going to follow soon.
In terms of eating, Parker is still LOVING his solid foods. He is still eating three meals of solid foods a day averaging about two and a half jars of baby food. He still has a six ounce bottle six times a day. In terms of sleeping, he is still taking a morning and afternoon nap totaling about three hours. His night sleeping has not been great this month. After he got sick, he has been getting up three times a night around midnight, 3:00am and 5:00am. We are hoping this changes soon because Mommy and Daddy are tired!
I know we always say it, but we thank God daily for giving us such a healthy and precious little boy. He is an absolute joy and has brought so much happiness into our lives. Parker, we love you more than you could ever imagine!
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