It is hard to believe Parker is now five months old. Where has the time gone? Our little baby is changing into a little boy. Parker now weighs 17 pounds, 12 ounces and is 25 inches long. He is already beginning to outgrow his six month clothes and is moving into the nine month size.
Parker has accomplished many new things over the past month. He can now sit up for about five to ten seconds by himself before he topples over. He has also started to laugh a lot this month. Anytime he hears Collin laugh or sees him do something silly, he starts laughing. He has a very deep laugh that is infectious! Parker is also starting to recognize people and their voices. Anytime he hears Mommy, Daddy or Collin talking he stops what he is doing and scans the room trying to find them. He smiles everytime we walk into the room. On the reverse side, he also whines each time we drop him off at church and he realizes someone new is holding him. He is able to roll over from his stomach to his back and can lie on his side but is not quite able to push himself over yet. Parker has continues to put EVERYTHING in his mouth! He even tries to eat Mommy and Daddy sometimes.
One major milestone Parker met this month is eating solid food! This month Parker had rice cereal, bananas, and sweet potatoes. He definitely perfers a bottle over food but will eventually eat it. He is still eating six ounces of formula every three hours during the day. In terms of sleeping, he still sleeps about ten hours in his crib each night before coming to our room. He is still taking three naps a day that every vary in length from an thirty minutes to two hours.
We cannot put into words how much Parker means to us. His smile melts our hearts day after day and all we want to do is shower him with love and attention. We have been tremendously blessed!
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