On July 3rd Parker turned four months old. It is amazing how fast the time has flown by! Today he went for his four month doctor’s appointment. He is now 15 pounds and 12.5 ounces (50-75%). He was 25 inches long (50%) and had a head circumference of 17 inches (50%). The doctor said he was perfectly healthy and seemed to be a happy and content little boy. Such a blessing!
Parker has learned so many new things over the past month. To begin with, he is Mr. Chatty. He babbles to us all day long. He loves to make noises and watch our expressions. When we do not immediately look at him, the babbles get louder and louder. His favorite thing to say is still “ah goo”. Parker has also shown that he is a very happy boy and always has a smile on his face. Whenever he wakes up in the morning or after a nap, he gives us a big, toothless grin. The grin continues throughout his playtime. In fact the only time he cries is when he is really tired or hungry. This month Parker has become obsessed with putting anything and everything in his mouth. As soon as you hand him a toy, it goes straight to his mouth. He loves to eat his bibs and Mommy and Daddy’s shirt when we are holding him. Parker is also very close to sitting up. He sits up with support and has great head control. He prefers to sit up with assistance now rather than lay down. He is also able to support his body weight with his legs now and loves playing in his Exersaucer. His fascination with his big brother has increased. He loves to just sit and watch what Collin is doing and gets so excited when Collin plays with him. They are going to be best friends!
In terms of sleep, Parker is doing great! He goes to sleep every night around 8:00 and sleeps in his crib until around 6:00am. At that point he comes to lay with Mommy and Daddy until his wakeup time at 7:00am. He takes three naps a day that range between an hour and two hours. He is still eating about six ounces of formula every three hours during the day
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