Parker is now two months old! It is crazy how fast the time has flown by. He has grown and changed so much in the short amount of time he has been with us. Parker has shown us that he is extremely easy going and has a very sweet personality. He loves to be held and cuddle with us but is also content laying down simply observing what is going on. We are very fortunate he is such a good baby!
Parker is starting to establish a pretty good schedule. He is sleeping about five hours uninterrupted each night, gets up once around 3:00 am to eat and then goes right back to sleep. Beginning at 7:00 am every morning, he eats every three hours on the dot. After he eats, he has playtime. Parker spends his playtime doing many activities including laying on his Boppy and staring at the toys we hold up for him, making faces at us and trying to mimic ours, sitting in his bouncer and watching the monkey and bird go up and down, and laying on his mat that has tons of animals dangling from it. The mat is by far his favorite toy! He loves to stare at all of the toys dangling from it and try to reach for them. Parker also does tons of tummy time, although he is not a huge fan of it. He is able to hold his head up on his own and turn it from side to side for several seconds. He occasionally rolls over when he gets very frustrated in an effort to end tummy time. Although I do not think he has mastered this skill, I am going to brag on him anyway.
Parker has also learned many new things this month. He found his hands and loves to suck on his fingers when I do not give his pacifier to him soon enough. He has also started making cooing noises when someone talks to him or he sees a toy that he really likes. Parker is also constantly kicking his feet when he gets excited. It is so funny to watch him in his bouncer with his feet just a kicking, catapulting him up and down.
One of the sweetest things Parker did this month was start smiling. Whenever someone looks at him and smiles, he will give them a big, gummy smile too. It absolutely melts my heart to see his smile and reminds me of how lucky I am to be his Mommy.
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