Today Collin had his second surgery to replace the tubes in his ears that had fallen out. I do not know who was more nervous, Mommy or Collin! We woke Collin up at 5:40, loaded up the car, and headed down to the Pediatric Surgery Center of Atlanta. As soon as we walked into the office Collin was in awe of the huge fish tank in the waiting room. After a few minutes, they called him back to a hospital type room to take all of his information and vitals. Collin apparently had no clue anything bad was about to happen as he was talking the ears off of every nurse who came in to see him. He counted to fourteen for them, told them his ABC's, and then proceeded to point out that there were eight outlet covers in his room that needed an "uh-oh cover" (a.k.a. baby proofing). He then made Mommy chase him up and down the hallway while he looked at all the other children there who were noticeably more aware of what was going on than he was. Apparently he made such a scene that he got to be taken back to surgery first. Daddy got to go into the operating room with him until he fell asleep. The entire procedure lasted about ten minutes and then the doctor came and told us everything went well. He said he drained all the fluid in both ears and put in new tubes. We then had to wait about ten more minutes to see him in the recovery room. As we walked in he was being cuddled by a nurse and looked totally dazed and confused. He pointed to me to hold him and then perked up a bit. We then told him how proud we were of him and presented him with a new big rig truck, which immediately brought a smile to his face. We are so thankful everything went well and the Lord was with Collin and his doctor today. Let's just hope we do not have to undergo this procedure again!

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