Collin has been a singing machine lately. Here he is today at lunch cheering for the Georgia Bulldogs. No clue what made him think of this song? Papa should be proud!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Best Christmas Present Ever
Since Santa knew we were going to have bad weather tomorrow, he dropped off one of Collin's presents a little early. Last night while we were sleeping Santa snuck in our gate and dropped off a new wooden swingset for Collin. He left a special bag under the Christmas tree for Collin to open this morning that contained one of the swings from the swingset. As soon as Collin starting opening the bag, he told us it was a green swing. I do not think it really registered to him what it was. I then told him to go and look out the window and see if he saw anything for the swing to hang on. As soon as he looked out the door and saw the swingset he screamed "swing" and took off running. He was so excited! He wanted to swing in the tire swing first, then test out the baby swing, and then the slide. He then came up with a new game of taking all of his outside toys up the slide one at a time, rolling them down, and sliding after them. He had so much fun! Pray we have an early spring as I predict we will be spending a lot more time outside!

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Magical Night of Lights
Tonight we took Collin up to Lake Lanier Islands to the see Magical Night of Lights. We had a great time! Collin was fascinated by the lake, the bridges going over the lake, and the lights. He loved sitting up front with Mommy and giving us a commentary of everything he saw. He most especially loved Santa's Workshop, where Santa was stationed as well as tons of rides for the children to enjoy. Since it was so cold, we only let him choose two things to ride. His choices were the choo-choo train and the carosel, and he loved them both. It was definitely a fun family night and may very well become a family tradition.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
27 Weeks Pregnant

I am 27 weeks pregnant today!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 27 weeks
Size of the baby: Baby Hardy is the size of an eggplant.
Total Weight Gain: 14 pounds. Apparently I have had too many sweets!
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing mostly maternity pants and tops.
Gender: It's a boy-Parker Von Hardy.
Movement: I am definitely feeling the baby move a lot now. He moves all day and all night now.
Sleep: I am starting to have trouble finding a comfortable way to sleep. I have got out the Boppy pillow that I used when I was pregnant with Collin in an effort to get comfortable.
Symptoms: This week I have had an abundance of energy and am no longer needing naps. I am definitely in the nesting phase and want everything washed and organized for Parker. We are almost ready!
What I Miss: Nothing that I can think of.
What I Crave: Mexican food and any kind of dessert
We did have a very interesting week. On Wednesday I had to go back to the doctor for the three hour blood glucose test, which I was absolutely dreading! Patrick had to go with me since I passed out during the one hour test. Luckily, after three hours of sitting and three finger pricks, I passed! I could not be happier! I did not know how in the world I was going to prick my finger several times a day when I pass out at the smallest sight of blood. Thanks be to God!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Santa Claus 2010
Today we took Collin for his annual trip to see Santa. This year we decided to take Collin down to Phipps Plaza in Buckhead to see him since they offered a DVD in addition to a picture. When I was little, my parents always had a video made of my siblings and I sitting with Santa. We have so much fun watching it each year and I wanted Collin to have that same memory. This year Collin was recovering from a bout with pneumonia and was not his same perky self, but decided to see Santa anyway. While we were waiting in line, he was very excited to sit with him. He helped me make his wish list and went over everything he was going to ask Santa for with Patrick and I. However, when it was his turn, he screamed out "Mommy hold". I had to bribe him with the promise that I would take him to Target to pick out a new car if he would sit with him. The bribe worked and he let me sit him in Santa's lap. The entire time he sat with him, he would not break a smile. He sat there with a stern look on his face and even rolled his eyes a couple of times. A teenager already? He did tell Santa that he wanted a trash truck and told him bye bye and blew him a kiss when we left. As soon as we started walking away, he begged to go back and see him again. While we were leaving, he told us Santa was going to bring him a trash truck and a big rig. Despite his look in the picture, I think he really did love seeing Santa.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
26 Weeks Pregnant

I am 26 weeks pregnant today!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 26 weeks
Size of the baby: Baby Hardy is the size of an English hothouse cucumber (I have no clue what this is).
Total Weight Gain: 12.5 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing mostly maternity pants and tops.
Gender: It's a boy-Parker Von Hardy.
Movement: I am definitely feeling the baby move a lot now, especially at night. He is an active little boy like his brother was!
Sleep: I am sleeping good since I am always exhausted at night.
Symptoms: This week I have had an abundance of energy and am no longer needing naps. I am definitely in the nesting phase and want everything washed and organized for Parker.
What I Miss: Nothing that I can think of.
What I Crave: Mexican food and any kind of sweets
Unfortunately when I went to the doctor this week for my blood glucose test, I did not pass. I was supposed to have a level of 140 or less and mine was 163. I did not fast before the test, which could have skewed the results. On top of not passing the test, I also passed out at the news that I failed and would possibly have to prick my finger several times a day to check my levels. I am scheduled to go back next week for a three hour test to see if I actually have gestational diabetes. I am praying that I pass the test and do not have to endure finger pricks multiple times a day.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Collin's 2nd Surgery
Today Collin had his second surgery to replace the tubes in his ears that had fallen out. I do not know who was more nervous, Mommy or Collin! We woke Collin up at 5:40, loaded up the car, and headed down to the Pediatric Surgery Center of Atlanta. As soon as we walked into the office Collin was in awe of the huge fish tank in the waiting room. After a few minutes, they called him back to a hospital type room to take all of his information and vitals. Collin apparently had no clue anything bad was about to happen as he was talking the ears off of every nurse who came in to see him. He counted to fourteen for them, told them his ABC's, and then proceeded to point out that there were eight outlet covers in his room that needed an "uh-oh cover" (a.k.a. baby proofing). He then made Mommy chase him up and down the hallway while he looked at all the other children there who were noticeably more aware of what was going on than he was. Apparently he made such a scene that he got to be taken back to surgery first. Daddy got to go into the operating room with him until he fell asleep. The entire procedure lasted about ten minutes and then the doctor came and told us everything went well. He said he drained all the fluid in both ears and put in new tubes. We then had to wait about ten more minutes to see him in the recovery room. As we walked in he was being cuddled by a nurse and looked totally dazed and confused. He pointed to me to hold him and then perked up a bit. We then told him how proud we were of him and presented him with a new big rig truck, which immediately brought a smile to his face. We are so thankful everything went well and the Lord was with Collin and his doctor today. Let's just hope we do not have to undergo this procedure again!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Jesus, Mary, and Monkey Joseph
This year Momo bought Collin the Little People Nativity set. Ever since we put out all our Christmas decorations he has been playing with it. Everyday we talk about the people and animals that are part of the set and sing "Away In The Manager" along with the music. Collin is very good at identifying Jesus, Mary, the angel, and the wise men. However, whenever we show him Joseph he insists his name is Monkey Joseph. When we try to correct him he adamantly tells us his name is Monkey Joseph like Monkey Joe's,duh, one of his favorite places to go. Although it is clearly not right, how cute is that?

Sunday, December 5, 2010
25 Weeks Pregnant

I am 25 weeks pregnant today!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 25 weeks
Size of the baby: Baby Hardy is the size of a head of cauliflower.
Total Weight Gain: 12.5 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing mostly maternity pants and tops.
Gender: It's a boy-Parker Von Hardy.
Movement: I am definitely feeling the baby move a lot now, especially at night.
Sleep: I am sleeping good since I am always exhausted at night.
Symptoms: This week I have had an abundance of energy and am no longer needing naps. I am definitely in the nesting phase and want everything washed and organized for Parker.
What I Miss: Nothing that I can think of.
What I Crave: Mexican food and any kind of dessert
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