Collin celebrated his second birthday today with a family construction themed birthday party. Collin is 100% boy and loves all things construction. He loves to look at the diggers, bulldozers, and dump trucks doing road work near our house. After hours of searching the Internet for ideas, I had a construction party planned for him. I decorated the house with "birthday zone" caution tape, orange cones, yellow hard hats with balloons coming out of them and play construction equipment. I even got a personalized dump truck shirt off of for the birthday boy to wear. All the guests got construction themed party favors that included a rubber duck for the kids and bubble bath for the adults, along with a cute poem about a construction worker's day I found on the Internet. Collin had the biggest grin on his face when he saw the house. He loved the balloons and wanted the toys we used to decorate immediately. Once everyone arrived we had pizza and then sang to Collin. It was so cute to see Collin looking around the table as we sang with a big smile on his face. He knew we were singing to him and he was the center of attention and he loved it. After we had cake, Collin opened all his presents. He was not very good at this. Each time he opened a new toy he wanted to play with that toy and was not interested in the other packages. We had to speed him along a bit. He ended up with a ton of stuff: Wow tow truck, Honda ride on ATV, Thomas the train characters, a remote control train, ABC learning apple, and the Cars DVD just to name a few. His grandparents also gave him (or should we say Mommy and Daddy) money to put towards his "big boy" room that we are in the process of working on. All in all he had a wonderful day!

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