It was also Spirit Day at school so here are some pictures of Collin showing his school spirit.

This morning we decided to let Collin try Waumba Land (a.k.a. the church nursery) again after a month hiatus. I was warning Patrick that he was going to turn the tears on when we dropped him off. The two children in front of him were very upset about being left so we knew Collin would follow suit. However, when it was his turn Daddy handed him over to the worker and off Mr. Collin went to play with the pretend kitchen. I cannot express how good this made me feel. He is finally starting to feel comfortable in the fact that he can be without Mommy and Daddy and be totally fine. When we picked him up we asked the worker how he did and his exact words were "This little guy was no trouble at all". This is such a huge accomplishment!
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