Today we all got invited to go over to Collin's friend
Matney's house for a picnic. Since both of the mommies did not want to send the little ones to church and risk the possibility of them getting sick, we decided to have a picnic instead. Collin and Matney had lots of fun playing outside on her swing set. The daddies played with the little ones so the moms could relax. When it was time for Collin and Matney to eat we thought it would be fun to let them sit at the picnic table together. Collin had never sat anywhere other than his highchair and did not know what to do. He took a few bites then decided it was much more fun to play with his plate rather than use it to hold his food. He also wanted to taste all of Matney's food since it was within his reach. The picnic table only lasted a couple of minutes and then they moved to their booster seats at the adult table. Matney and Collin entertained each other so the adults could talk. Patrick and I had a great time. I am so thankful to have met Matney and her mom Stacey through playgroup!

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