Our little Collin is starting to do so many new things all at once. This week at the beach we noticed he has learned many new things. The first is that he points at everyone. Both Patrick's family and my family went down to the beach together which means Collin was with all his grandparents and all his aunts and uncles. By the second day he knew who everyone was. When we would ask him where someone was, he would point at them and start smiling so big. The pointing eventually carried over to everything. Anytime he wanted something, he would go up and point to it. This is much better than listening to him say "ugh" and trying to figure out what it was he wanted me to do. It is a little embarrassing now, though, when we are out in public and Collin is pointing to everyone and everything. Whenever someone walks past him he gives them a point, as if to say "hello". Patrick and I are just going to have to watch and make sure the middle finger never goes up:-)
Collin also surprised us with how much he has picked up from what I have been teaching him. Everyday I talk to him nonstop and try to tell him what everything is. Over the trip, when different people would ask him to identify body parts, he knew them! Mommy's teaching is paying off! He knows feet, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head, tummy, and knee boo-boos. Yes, we had to teach him knee boo-boos because his poor little knees are always scratched up. He also knows many of the transportation vehicles from his "Things That Go" book. His favorite one.......monster trucks. Yes, we have a boy on our hands!
Collin also got promoted to the toddler class at church today. When we dropped him off there were blocks, houses and tables for the children to stand at to eat their snack. Mommy was so sad to leave him but he seemed to have a great time. We just hope his new teachers love him as much as his old ones did. All the classes he has been in have absolutely loved him and cuddled with him the whole time. I hope the new teachers love him as much as we do.