The doctor also said that Collin's red cheeks were not in fact eczema but extremely sensitive skin. He said most babies outgrow this once they hit about one year old and that the heat also dries him out, making them appear redder.
Despite not crawling, Collin has made a great deal of progress this month. He is now able to sit up on his own completely and play with his toys for 15+ minutes independently. He has also continued to babble nonstop. His first, and only word, right now is "hey". He says it all the time and anytime a stranger at a store looks at him. Occasionally he will wave too. He has not figured out to put his hand up high when he does it, so you have to look down lower to see it. Collin has also started eating and enjoying a few finger foods. He LOVES Mum-Mum crackers and Gerber's Peach Puffs. Every time he sees the yellow peach puff container on the table he opens his mouth like "Give me some now". It is so cute! Collin is also able to hold his sippy cup and drink out of it if the water is filled up to the top. Collin is also starting to pick up on some baby sign language. We have been working on several everyday signs and Collin has picked up on "ball" and "book". If we lay all his toys in front of him, and ask him for the ball or book with the sign he can get them for you. This month we are going to add a few more signs to his repertoire.
We may be biased, but we feel the Lord has blessed us with one of the cutest baby's ever. Despite all the circumstances we have been through this month, Collin has remained a happy and healthy little boy who simply loves life. What more could a Mom and Dad ask for!
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