This month Collin has continued to show us his sweet personality. Every morning when he wakes up he gives us a huge grin. He has also started talking/babbling a lot. His favorite thing to say is "ah-goo". He says this constantly and will say it even louder and with a smile if you say it back to him. Everyone who has come to visit us recently has commented on his talking. I think he is going to be just like his daddy! He has also shown us a few things he does not like. He does not care for car rides unless it is on the interstate with absolutely no stopping. He also does not like to go down for naps. We think he is scared he is going to miss out on something if he goes to sleep.
Collin has also hit many milestones this month. He is now able to roll over unassisted when we place him on his stomach. Apparently he does not like tummy time and will roll himself over every time we get him to try. Collin is also starting to reach for everything we put in front of him and suck anything he can get his hands on. He especially likes to suck his hand. We always catch him putting his entire fist in his mouth to suck, resulting in lots of drool everywhere. Collin has also shown tremendous improvement in his head control. He is no longer a "bobble head" but can actually hold his head up on his own now. Just recently Collin has been able to sit in his Bumbo seat all by himself and ride in the Baby Bjorn facing the world instead of Mommy's face. He is also consistently finishing his 6 ounce bottles each day. We are hoping rice cereal is in our future!
Perhaps the best news of all is that Collin has started consistently sleeping through the night. We usually put him down around 9:00pm, wake him up around 10:45ish to "top off" with milk as Daddy puts it, then goes back to sleep until around 6:30 or 7:00. This has been so nice for Mommy and Daddy to actually get a good nights sleep.

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