Tonight Collin had his first babysitter. Pam, my parapro for the past five years, and her daughter Karissa came over to babysit Collin while Patrick and I went out to celebrate our 6th anniversary. We left him for three hours and Pam said he did great. He took a nap, drank his bottle and had tons of play time. I know Collin loved being the center of attention and Patrick and I loved our dinner without having to listen to baby music!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Poor Baby
This week Collin has not been feeling very well. He started off on Monday being extremely fussy and refusing to nap. By Tuesday afternoon he had developed a strange rash on his face. I took him in that afternoon and the doctor said he was running a fever and had a virus. He said he probably touched something in the church nursery and then put his hands in his mouth, thus transferring the germs. He told me to give him extra love and keep a close eye on him. By Friday morning Collin was still fussy and not himself. We took him back in and found out not only is he fighting off a virus, but teething as well. They told us to take it easy on him and give him a lot of cuddle time and extra attention for the next two weeks. We are hoping our little man gets well soon!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Collin's 1st Haircut
Today Collin got his first haircut! He was starting to have little strands hanging in his eyes so we decided it was about time. I brought him to the LifeSpa Salon at Lifetime Fitness so that my hairstylist could give him his first trim. Mrs. Joi was able to trim him up in no time at all. Check out his cute new hairdo.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Best Invention Yet
Patrick and I have found the best invention yet for babies. As many of you know, Collin does not like to ride in the car. We had tried everything from white noise to toys to keep him occupied but nothing seemed to work. However, when Patrick was at Babies R' Us he found a mirror that played music and had dancing teddy bears that lit up. We put it in the car and to our surprise Collin loved it. Every time he gets in the car now he looks up at the mirror and starts smiling when the music starts. Check out the picture below of Collin smiling and dancing. How precious!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Patrick's 1st Father's Day
Today Patrick got to celebrate his first Father's Day! It was a well deserved day for Patrick as he is a great daddy to Collin. It is amazing to watch him interact with his little boy. He is always down on the floor playing with him and will do anything to get a smile out of the little man. As soon as he comes home from work the first thing he does is hug Collin and take over play time for me. On the weekends he tries to spend every minute he can with Collin. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and Collin to have a wonderful dad. For his special day, Collin and I got him a new digital camera that is a ton faster than our old one. We also surprised him with a new key chain with a smiling photo of Collin.
We also went and saw Collin's Papa (Brooke's dad) today. Collin has a wonderful Papa and loves visiting him. Collin got to take his first adventure to the swimming pool at Papa's house. Although he looked precious decked out in his new bathing suit, he did not like the water at all. I think he lasted less than 5 minutes. We are hoping things improve before our beach trip in August!

We also went and saw Collin's Papa (Brooke's dad) today. Collin has a wonderful Papa and loves visiting him. Collin got to take his first adventure to the swimming pool at Papa's house. Although he looked precious decked out in his new bathing suit, he did not like the water at all. I think he lasted less than 5 minutes. We are hoping things improve before our beach trip in August!

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Collin and His New Friends
Today Collin had a play date at his buddy Tate's house. There were lots of babies there for him to "goo" to and look at. Below is a picture of Collin and his new friends.Collin is at the bottom in the puppy overalls.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Collin's 1st Day at Church
Today Collin went to church for the first time. Patrick and I thought that he would be able to handle sitting with us throughout the service since it fell right in the middle of his nap time. Oh no, Collin wanted to look around at all the lights in the room and rock out to the music. After about 10 minutes he decided he wanted to start talking so we took him to the nursery. This was the first time he was away from us without a family member watching him. The ladies all said he did very good and luckily he had no tears. What a relief! When we picked him up he was bouncing in a bouncer smiling at the lady watching him.

Friday, June 6, 2008
Collin is a Busy Boy
This week Collin has been one busy little boy. On Monday he had a play date with our neighbor Mackenzie who was born three weeks before him. Both of the little ones had fun staring at each other and making "goo" noises. On Tuesday Collin had his first Gymboree class. He seemed to really enjoy it. He got to listen to Mommy sing and act out nursery rhymes, watch a puppet, feel various textures and try to catch bubbles. His favorite thing, however, was watching another girl in the class who was 7 months old roll over and over on the mat. We think he was a little jealous and wished he knew how to do that. On Wednesday we went to a Mommies and Babies playgroup at Starbucks. Once again, Collin loved watching the older kids. On Thursday we went to a friends house for a play date with four other mommies and babies. Needless to say, it was a busy but fun week!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Collin Is Three Months Old
Today is Collin's three month birthday. He has grown and changed so much over the past month. He is now weighing in at 13 pounds and is still "tall and skinny" according to the doctor. All of his 0-3 month clothes have suddenly become too short and he has now moved up to 3-6 month sizes. It is hard to believe that our little baby is growing up so fast.
This month Collin has continued to show us his sweet personality. Every morning when he wakes up he gives us a huge grin. He has also started talking/babbling a lot. His favorite thing to say is "ah-goo". He says this constantly and will say it even louder and with a smile if you say it back to him. Everyone who has come to visit us recently has commented on his talking. I think he is going to be just like his daddy! He has also shown us a few things he does not like. He does not care for car rides unless it is on the interstate with absolutely no stopping. He also does not like to go down for naps. We think he is scared he is going to miss out on something if he goes to sleep.
Collin has also hit many milestones this month. He is now able to roll over unassisted when we place him on his stomach. Apparently he does not like tummy time and will roll himself over every time we get him to try. Collin is also starting to reach for everything we put in front of him and suck anything he can get his hands on. He especially likes to suck his hand. We always catch him putting his entire fist in his mouth to suck, resulting in lots of drool everywhere. Collin has also shown tremendous improvement in his head control. He is no longer a "bobble head" but can actually hold his head up on his own now. Just recently Collin has been able to sit in his Bumbo seat all by himself and ride in the Baby Bjorn facing the world instead of Mommy's face. He is also consistently finishing his 6 ounce bottles each day. We are hoping rice cereal is in our future!
Perhaps the best news of all is that Collin has started consistently sleeping through the night. We usually put him down around 9:00pm, wake him up around 10:45ish to "top off" with milk as Daddy puts it, then goes back to sleep until around 6:30 or 7:00. This has been so nice for Mommy and Daddy to actually get a good nights sleep.

This month Collin has continued to show us his sweet personality. Every morning when he wakes up he gives us a huge grin. He has also started talking/babbling a lot. His favorite thing to say is "ah-goo". He says this constantly and will say it even louder and with a smile if you say it back to him. Everyone who has come to visit us recently has commented on his talking. I think he is going to be just like his daddy! He has also shown us a few things he does not like. He does not care for car rides unless it is on the interstate with absolutely no stopping. He also does not like to go down for naps. We think he is scared he is going to miss out on something if he goes to sleep.
Collin has also hit many milestones this month. He is now able to roll over unassisted when we place him on his stomach. Apparently he does not like tummy time and will roll himself over every time we get him to try. Collin is also starting to reach for everything we put in front of him and suck anything he can get his hands on. He especially likes to suck his hand. We always catch him putting his entire fist in his mouth to suck, resulting in lots of drool everywhere. Collin has also shown tremendous improvement in his head control. He is no longer a "bobble head" but can actually hold his head up on his own now. Just recently Collin has been able to sit in his Bumbo seat all by himself and ride in the Baby Bjorn facing the world instead of Mommy's face. He is also consistently finishing his 6 ounce bottles each day. We are hoping rice cereal is in our future!
Perhaps the best news of all is that Collin has started consistently sleeping through the night. We usually put him down around 9:00pm, wake him up around 10:45ish to "top off" with milk as Daddy puts it, then goes back to sleep until around 6:30 or 7:00. This has been so nice for Mommy and Daddy to actually get a good nights sleep.

Sunday, June 1, 2008
I Learned A New Trick!
Collin has been hard at work on his new trick....rolling over! Lately when we have put him on his blanket for tummy time, he has been showing us his new skill. Today we caught him in the act. We are so proud of our baby boy!

Collin is also starting to sit in his Bumbo now since he is able to support his head. Isn't he so cute? Gotta love the socks!

Collin is also starting to sit in his Bumbo now since he is able to support his head. Isn't he so cute? Gotta love the socks!

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