Our little boy is now nine months old. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday we were coming home from the hospital with him. Parker had his nine month doctor's appointment today and appears to be growing and developing right on track. He now weighs 20 pounds (56%) and is 29.5 inches long (89%). His head circumference is 18.25 (90%). The doctor said it had gone up in percentiles over the past couple of months and he is going to keep a close eye on it, but it is nothing to worry about at the moment.
Parker has made so much progress this month. He is able to crawl on all fours backwards, but has not attempted to go forward yet. We are hoping it will come soon. He loves to pull himself up and stand up at the train table and his activity table. He is very steady when he is standing up and tries to reach for anything he can see. His favorite toy this month is definitely his Fisher Price jungle cruising toy and activity table. He loves both of them!
Parker has also started eating and enjoying a few finger foods this month. He loves Mum-Mum crackers, puffs, yogurt melts, and cheerio's. Whenever he sees his food containers sitting out on the table he starts kicking his legs and opens his mouth as if to say "Give me some now!" He is also able to hold his sippy cup and drink out of it if the water is filled to the top.
Parker is such a sweet, loving, and cute little boy. He is always happy and simply loves life! What more could a Mommy and Daddy ask for?