Today Parker turned six months old. It is hard to believe that half a year has already gone by. Although we did not have an official doctor visit this month, according to our scale he is around 19 pounds. He has outgrown all of his 6 month clothes and is now wearing 9 and 12 month sizes. Let's hope it gets cool soon because all of his summer clothes are getting too tight.
Parker has learned and progressed so much over the past month. Perhaps the biggest accomplishment is that he is now able to sit up on his own for a minute or more at a time and can sit supported for long stretches at a time. However, he will let you know when he is tired of sitting up by throwing himself back in an effort to lay down. Parker is now able to roll both ways and will use these skills to get a toy he wants. Looks like we might be babyproofing soon! Parker also likes to lunge and reach for everything he sees. Whenever we walk around the house he will grab for anything that catches his eye, especially flower arrangements. He also loves to stand up in your lap, at his activity table, and in his jumperoo.
In terms of eating, Parker is loving his solid foods! He is now eating three meals of solid food a day, in addition to a 6 ounce bottle five times a day. He has added squash, carrots, green beans, peas, pears, apples, prunes, peaches and chicken to his rotation. He LOVES his solid foods and kicks his legs in excitement when he gets placed in his highchair. In terms of sleeping, he is still taking a morning and afternoon nap totaling about three hours. He normally goes down around 7:45 at night and is starting to wake up screaming around 3:00 am and 5:30 am. Mommy and Daddy are not loving this! Looks like we might be implementing the cry-it-out method soon.
Patrick, Collin and I are so blessed to have Parker in our lives. He is such a happy baby who is always smiling. He has brought so much joy to this family! We love you sweet Parky Sparky!