Parker is officially one month old! He had his second doctor's visit and got a clean bill of health. He now weighs 9 pounds, 3 ounces (25-50%) and is 21 and 1/2 inches long (50%). His head circumference is 14 and 3/4 inches (25%). The doctor told us he is a long and lean little baby. He was also very impressed with his weight gain.

It is amazing to see how much Parker has grown and changed throughout the month. He is already becoming so big and changing so fast. Parker has spent this month at home with Mommy, Daddy, and his big brother Collin doing lots of fun things. He spends his days sleeping, eating, and playing. He loves to play on his musical mat and try to touch the elephant and monkey on it. He also loves bouncing in his bouncer while watching the monkey and frog go up and down, and sitting in his boppy watching mom and dad hold up his toys. He has tummy time everyday and can now turn his head from side to side and lift it for a few seconds to look ahead. He has also rolled over from his stomach to his back several times in an attempt to end tummy time. Mommy and Daddy were shocked! Parker's neck is becoming very strong. He shows us during burping when he tries to force his head back for more milk.
In terms of sleeping, Parker is doing great! He normally sleeps from 10:30pm to 3:00am and then again until 7:00am when we wake him up for the day. This means only one middle of the night feeding for Mommy and Daddy which is wonderful! Parker does not like sleeping flat on his back and is now using the Nap Nanny which allows him to sleep on an incline and makes him feel like he is being cuddled. It also seems to help with his reflux.
Words cannot express how much joy Parker brings into our lives. We love him so much and and cannot imagine our lives without him. We thank God everyday for allowing us to have such an adorable, sweet and healthy boy! We cannot wait to see what this upcoming month has in store for us.