Happy Father's Day, Patrick! You are such a great father and provider and are truly the backbone of our family. We are so blessed to have you in our lives and love you more than you will ever know. Collin absolutely adores you and talks about you all the time. As soon as he hears the garage door open around 5:30pm each day, he takes off running to greet you with a big smile and lets you know what he wants the boys to play. You are his hero!
This weekend was all about celebrating Patrick. On Saturday morning we treated him to breakfast at J. Christopher's, one of his favorite places. On Sunday we surprised him with a string trimmer we picked out with a little help from a nice Home Depot employee. Collin also made him a special tie at church with crayons and markers for him to wear. Patrick sported it proudly! We then had lunch with the Dunaway side of the family to celebrate this special day with Papa, too. That evening we treated Patrick to Chinese for dinner, his absolute favorite. We love you so much, Patrick!