Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
Today Collin celebrated his second Valentine's Day. He had a low key day at home but did get a couple of goodies to celebrate. Grandmommy and Granddaddy gave him a teddy bear that says "I Love You" when you squeeze his foot and a book they recorded themselves reading. Mommy and Daddy gave him a Melissa and Doug wooden shape sorter and a balloon. Happy Valentine's Day, Baby Boy! We love you!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
We Just Have to Brag...Again
Collin has been doing so good with his words. He has been going once a week to visit Mrs. Lorissa, his speech teacher, to work on getting him comfortable with talking. Over the past week, we have heard so many new words. It is joy to my ears! I have always wondered what his little voice would sound like and it is just perfect. Here are some of his new words he is using on a regular basis:
MoMo (this is what he calls Grandmommy)
Eetie (Sweetie, the cat)
lease (please)
ruff (for a dog)
tweet tweet
ack (for a duck)
no (with his head shaking violently)
bar-bar (for Barney)
bye bye
We could not be more proud! Thank you Lord for all this progress!
MoMo (this is what he calls Grandmommy)
Eetie (Sweetie, the cat)
lease (please)
ruff (for a dog)
tweet tweet
ack (for a duck)
no (with his head shaking violently)
bar-bar (for Barney)
bye bye
We could not be more proud! Thank you Lord for all this progress!
Winter Wonderland
We have been invaded by snow! The weathermen did not make a big deal about a storm coming in on Friday so we were not expecting much. However, when Collin got up from nap our yard was covered in snow. According to the news, we got about 3 inches of snow here in Cumming and we took full advantage of it. Collin immediately put on his layers of clothing (except a hat and gloves which he pitched a fit about) and headed out the door to play. He stomped through the yards and got to see his first snowman that was twice as big as he was. Daddy tried to get Collin to go on a sled with him but he refused. The snow is expected to stick around along with tons of icy roads, so we are stuck here at home. Grandmommy is stuck here too since the roads are covered in ice. Collin is not at all sad about getting spoiled a little bit more.

Friday, February 12, 2010
Visit From Grandmommy
Collin is very excited that Grandmommy is here to visit. She came into town to help me out with Collin since I had to get my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday and have been on heavy pain medication since. He absolutely loves his Grandmommy and she spoils him so much. She came into town with a ton of toys for him. He got books, blocks, a hammer set, teddy bear, and several matchbox cars. It was like Christmas to him. He has been showing off all his new words to her and getting so excited by the reaction he gets. I am so blessed to have her help this week and love seeing him interact with her. I only wish she lived closer and could visit more often. Thank you Grandmommy for all you have done to help us this week!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Our Little Cookie Monster
Collin has developed a love of all things sweet! Patrick and I had hesitated giving him any type of sweets other than teddy grahams but at school he is often treated to cupcakes and cookies for birthday celebrations and loves them. Today while I was baking some cookies for our friends who just had a baby, we decided to let him sample one. Daddy was tearing him little pieces off to eat and when he turned around to get something Collin proceeded to grab the cookie and eat the entire thing as fast as he could. Too bad he left the evidence all over his face! Looks like he is going to have a sweet tooth just like his Mommy.

Friday, February 5, 2010
Collin's 1st Valentine Exchange
Today Collin had his first Valentine exchange at PMO. After searching Target and Michael's for some cards, I decided to make his Valentines for him. Collin loves all things boy, especially cars and monster trucks. I could not find any Valentines with cars or trucks on them, but found a really cute idea online. Below is a picture of what his Valentines ended up looking like. I rolled one of his matchbox cars across a black ink pad and made the tire marks and then added a big monster truck sticker. Collin went nuts over them!

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