What a great Christmas we have had! Collin gave everyone the best gift of all by sleeping until 8:00 am, which is unheard of for our little man. Mommy, Daddy and all of the company really appreciated that! As soon as he woke up we took him to the playroom to see if Santa came. Look at everything he left! Someone must have been a good boy this year!

As soon as Collin walked into the room and saw the Fisher Price Big Action Garage Santa left him, he got so excited. He had the biggest grin on his face and was looking around at everyone to see what was going on. After a few minutes of clinging to Mommy, he got busy rolling his new cars on the garage. It took him about thirty minutes to realize there were other presents on the table too. He was so excited about his new Chuck dump truck that talked and Mr. Potato Head like the one his speech teacher Mrs. Lorissa has.

Santa was not the only one who brought Collin lots of presents. Grandmommy and Granddaddy surprised him with some WOW cars and puzzles and Papa and Robin literally got Collin everything he had on his "Wish Registry" at Toys R Us including Collin's favorite gift of all...a red Cozy Coupe. Collin was all over Daddy while he was putting it together and climbed in Dukes of Hazard style (through the window) as soon as he was done and ordered us to push him.

Collin also made a new friend this Christmas. Papa's wife, Robin, brought her daughter Autumn who Collin loved.

Mommy and Daddy got spoiled pretty good too. We got a new LCD television for our bedroom, a GPS, and lots of other goodies including the Creative Memories digital scrapbook software for mom and a huge Home Depot gift card for Dad. We were so blessed!
The best part of Christmas, however, was knowing the true meaning of this special day and getting to spend the day with our families who mean the world to us. We are so blessed to have a big, close, loving family who make every Christmas memorable and fun! We love you all!