Today Collin celebrated his second Easter. He woke up to find an Easter basket of goodies the Easter Bunny left him. It was filled with books, a Fisher Price farm, a puzzle, and a corn popper. Wow! The Easter Bunny must have heard Collin had been a good boy. After exploring the basket and playing with his new toys, we got dressed and headed off to Northpoint Church. Collin got to have a fun time playing with all his friends in Waumba Land while Mommy, Daddy, Grandmommy, and Granddaddy got to hear great music and a great message. We then came home and had Papa, Aunt Brittany, and Uncle Jon over for an Easter cookout. After eating, we tried to get Collin to hunt eggs. Since he loves to walk behind his Tonka truck, we sat his Easter basket in the truck and let him cruise around the yard. He saw all the eggs but was not interested in picking them up. We tried to sit him in the grass so he could crawl and get them but he hated that. I guess he likes to be clean like his Mommy! He then spotted his swingset and decided that it looked way more fun that picking up eggs. Oh well, at least we tried. Maybe next year he will be a little more interested in hunting the eggs.