Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Collin's Nana
We are sad to announce that Collin's Nana (Brooke's mom) passed away around 2:10am Monday morning. Luckily all three of us were able to spend her last two days with her. She would open her eyes every time Collin came into her room and gave him tons of kisses throughout the weekend. Although her life was cut short, Patrick and I are incredibly blessed that she got to meet Collin. We know he meant so much to her and both believe she will be an angel in his life forever.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Today I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! I cannot believe I am finally a mother. Collin and Patrick got me a new BOB running stroller! This is the stroller I have been eyeing for a long time. The boys picked out a gorgeous orange one for me. We have already taken it out for a stroll and Collin loves it. I am the luckiest mother ever to have such a wonderful husband and son!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Collin's New Friend
Today Collin had a playdate with his friend Charlie. The two boys had a good time cooing, eating and sleeping. Luckily I was able to get a picture of the two of them smiling. Aren't they precious?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Collin's Two Month Appointment
Today Collin went in for his two month check-up. Collin had really grown over the past month. He is now 11 pounds and 10 ounces and 24 inches long. Pretty soon his 3 month clothes are not going to fit! Collin also had to get five shots today. He was not very happy about this. As soon as the first needle went in, he turned bright red and let out a huge cry. Mommy and Daddy almost cried too! The doctor said Collin looked very healthy. He did mention that Collin seems to favor his right side when he sleeps. To prevent his head from becoming flat on one side, Collin now has a sleep positioner that he sleeps in to force him to lay on his left side. He seems to like his positioner so far. Let's hope it stays this way!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Collin Is Two Months Old
Today is Collin's two month birthday! It is amazing how much he has changed in the short amount of time we have had him. Collin has shown us that he has a very sweet and loving personality. He loves to cuddle with us and be near us all the time...or anyone for that matter. We are very fortunate that Collin is a pretty easygoing baby and is content the majority of the time.
Collin has finally gotten on a pretty routine schedule. He eats every 2 1/2 hours, and believe us, he lets you know when it is time to eat. We are convinced he has an internal alarm clock. After he eats he gets very excited to play. Collin spends his play time sitting in his Boppy and making faces with us, staring at his toys while mom and dad make them talk, having tummy time and mat time, and playing with his Infant Gym that plays nursery rhymes for him and gives him a light show to look it. This is by far his favorite toy! He has started averaging about 5 hours of sleep a night. We are hoping this will increase soon!
One of the sweetest things Collin did this month was start smiling. Whenever Patrick or I look at him and give him an exaggerated smile, he gives us a toothless grin . Oddly enough the first smile we got from Collin was during a early morning feeding when Patrick and I were exhausted. After drinking his bottle for thirty minutes, he looked up at us with a toothless smile. That melted both of our hearts! Ever since then he has been smiling nonstop. He smiles when he sees Patrick and I and when he sees toys he likes. Recently he has starting adding cooing noises to his smiles which makes them even cuter! It looks like he might be a talker just like his Daddy.
Collin has also learned many new things during his tummy time this month. He has now found his hands and loves to put his whole fist in his mouth and suck it during tummy time. He also learned to push himself up and look straight ahead for several seconds. Several times this month Collin accidentally flipped himself over while lying on his tummy. We do not think it was intentional, but we will brag on him regardless.
It is amazing how much Collin has grown in one month. He is literally doing something new everyday! Patrick and I love him more than words could ever describe. He is truly a gift from above!

Collin has finally gotten on a pretty routine schedule. He eats every 2 1/2 hours, and believe us, he lets you know when it is time to eat. We are convinced he has an internal alarm clock. After he eats he gets very excited to play. Collin spends his play time sitting in his Boppy and making faces with us, staring at his toys while mom and dad make them talk, having tummy time and mat time, and playing with his Infant Gym that plays nursery rhymes for him and gives him a light show to look it. This is by far his favorite toy! He has started averaging about 5 hours of sleep a night. We are hoping this will increase soon!
One of the sweetest things Collin did this month was start smiling. Whenever Patrick or I look at him and give him an exaggerated smile, he gives us a toothless grin . Oddly enough the first smile we got from Collin was during a early morning feeding when Patrick and I were exhausted. After drinking his bottle for thirty minutes, he looked up at us with a toothless smile. That melted both of our hearts! Ever since then he has been smiling nonstop. He smiles when he sees Patrick and I and when he sees toys he likes. Recently he has starting adding cooing noises to his smiles which makes them even cuter! It looks like he might be a talker just like his Daddy.
Collin has also learned many new things during his tummy time this month. He has now found his hands and loves to put his whole fist in his mouth and suck it during tummy time. He also learned to push himself up and look straight ahead for several seconds. Several times this month Collin accidentally flipped himself over while lying on his tummy. We do not think it was intentional, but we will brag on him regardless.
It is amazing how much Collin has grown in one month. He is literally doing something new everyday! Patrick and I love him more than words could ever describe. He is truly a gift from above!

Collin's Nana
A few weeks after Collin was born, his Nana (Brooke's mom) was diagnosed with liver cancer. She recently got extremely weak and had to spend a week in the hospital. Unfortunately Collin could not go and visit her since he is so young and could easily get sick. She was released from the hospital on April 17th and sent home with Hospice care. Ever since she has been home, Collin has been to see her every weekend. Every time Collin comes in the room Nana's face lights up. It is so awesome to know that in the midst of all her sickness and pain our little boy can bring her such happiness. Whenever he goes and visits he lays in the bed with Nana for his naps and plays right beside her bed so she can watch his every move. Today he let her see his smile for the first time! Nana is such a proud grandparent and loves Collin to pieces!

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